215 things to be grateful for

Sometimes I feel put on the spot and don’t think of obvious answers. Last year I was facilitating group during the week of Thanksgiving and introduced the topic of gratitude… then found myself stumped! Beyond the “obvious” topics of family, favorite music, my dog, good coffee (aren’t you in love with coffee too?), I was struggling. We ultimately looked at this list of hundreds of items and had a great discussion that opened our minds. This had concepts and values, experiences, and everyday life experiences that we may not have otherwise considered. What a privilege to live this life.

215 Things to Be Thankful For

We'll start this list with the important things in life — the ones that we often take for granted. Then we'll move on to small items that might seem important, but can often brighten your day.

(Side note: Some of these items might not apply to your personal situation. So feel free to skip anything that doesn't personally resonate with you.)

Holidays where you can spend time with the important people in life.

  1. Having a romantic partner or spouse who is there for you

  2. Being surrounded by friends and family

  3. Your children

  4. Having access to clean, drinkable water

  5. Not being hungry and having an abundance of food

  6. Having a roof over your head and safe place to live

  7. Your parents who raised and molded you in the person you are today

  8. Kindness from strangers and random acts of kindness

  9. Mistakes that helped you grow as a person

  10. Modern conveniences that weren't available even a century ago (electricity, indoor plumbing, air conditioning)

  11. Having full use of your senses like eye-sight, hearing, and taste

  12. A new book

  13. Not being hungry and having an abundance of food

  14. The ability to learn something new

  15. The kindness of strangers

  16. A warm campfire on a cold night camping

  17. Feeling of acceptance

  18. The beauty of a work of art that moves you

  19. Making a final payment on a loan

  20. A nice hot shower

  21. Healthy foods

  22. Equality and diversity

  23. The voice of a friend or relative you have not seen in a long time.The ability to work from home -in your pajamas

  24. A beautiful sunrise

  25. The sound of a song you love

  26. Simply relaxing and playing a board game with friends or family

  27. Catching up with your favorite blog

  28. Having a personal routine that helps you accomplish tasks efficiently

  29. The smell of freshly baked cookies

  30. Creating a gift for a family member with your own two hands. (crochet, woodworking, art etc.)

  31. Surprises

  32. Access to the medication you need to stay healthy.

  33. Free time on your “to do” list

  34. A hot cup of tea

  35. A home that is free of clutter

  36. The sincere appreciation of others

  37. A movie that makes you laugh

  38. Amazon Prime

  39. The mother who gave you life, nurtured you, loved you, taught you and supported you.

  40. Seeing your favorite band in concert

  41. Free apps like Todoist that can organize your life

  42. An ice cold beer after a hot day working in the yard.

  43. Questions in emails that can be resolved in a single sentence (this one always makes me happy.)

  44. New clothes

  45. The joy of rewarding yourself after completing a difficult task.

  46. The values handed down to you from your parents

  47. Entrepreneurs who constantly create technology that makes your life better

  48. Love that lasts a lifetime

  49. A really comfortable chair

  50. Realizing it has been YEARS since you have wanted a cigarette

  51. Knowing how to make a budget – and sticking to it!

  52. Visiting an amusement park.

  53. Snow days

  54. Respect from others

  55. Paydays

  56. Dancing for the pure joy of life

  57. Someone enjoying your writing/art/creativity

  58. When you're the recipient of a random act of kindness.

  59. Thank you notes

  60. Fresh popcorn — especially in a movie theater

  61. A favorite memory that you cherish

  62. An office desk with a great view

  63. Pizza

  64. The sense of accomplishment when you complete a difficult task

  65. The ability to complete a bucket list (If you don't have one, here are 553 ideas.)

  66. Puppies

  67. The feeling of uncontrollable laughter.

  68. Great Ted Talks

  69. Being pushed to “think outside the box”

  70. A massage

  71. Teachers who spent the extra time to give you the knowledge you have today

  72. Taking a morning walk

  73. Bathing in a nice warm hot tub or thermal spring

  74. Fuzzy socks

  75. Your dog or cat snuggling with you when you feel bad

  76. Faith

  77. Having easy access to clean drinking water

  78. Chocolate

  79. The ability to spend time on a hobby you love

  80. Enjoying an episode of your favorite TV show

  81. Hugs

  82. The ability to learn from your mistakes

  83. A stranger opening the door for you when your hands are full

  84. The fresh smell of clean sheets

  85. Freedom of speech

  86. Coloring to relieve stress

  87. A colorful sunset

  88. The honesty of a child

  89. Happy people who make us happier simply by their presence

  90. The feeling of accomplishment when you stop procrastinating and complete the task you have been avoiding

  91. Memories of your first kiss

  92. Enjoying a movie marathon

  93. The freedom of choice

  94. Internal strength

  95. A child’s face after they get a presen

  96. Spellchecker

  97. Being in love

  98. Foreign cultures we can visit and learn from

  99. Having a vibrant imagination

  100. Meeting up with your friends for lunch

  101. That new car smell

  102. Being accountable for your actions

  103. Trying new things. (even if it is simple – like a new cup of coffee)

  104. Old photographs

  105. Technology – for allowing us to stay closely connected with friends and family regardless of distance

  106. Netflix and other streaming service options that provide an abundance of viewing options

  107. A safe landing after a rough plane ride

  108. Positivity — even when things are difficult

  109. Visiting new places, especially ones you've always dreamed of seeing

  110. Getting a full night's sleep (If you struggle with this, then here are 17 ways to fall asleep easier.)

  111. Home cooked meals

  112. The pride of owning a home.

  113. The first flower of Spring

  114. Home cooked meals

  115. The pride of owning a home.

  116. The first flower of Spring

  117. Having a morning routine that gives you energy throughout your day.

  118. The weekend

  119. Happy memories from your childhood

  120. A unseasonably warm winter day

  121. Long drives listening to a great podcast or audiobook

  122. Therapy

  123. Real honesty

  124. People who care about the environment, human rights, and animas

  125. Meditation

  126. Your car after it has been cleaned and detailed

  127. Getting a facial

  128. Grandparents

  129. Being forgiven for my mistakes

  130. Finding unexpected money in your pockets

  131. Sitting down for dinner time with family

  132. Aromatherapy

  133. The fresh smell of a Christmas tree

  134. The snooze button

  135. A sibling who listens to your problems without judgement

  136. Kittens

  137. Acting like a kid again

  138. Sharing a smile with a stranger

  139. Overcoming your fears

  140. Fall when the leaves change colors

  141. Going for a swim in the ocean

  142. People who go out of their way to try to make us happy

  143. Clean air

  144. Apps that help you save money (Here are 17 good ones)

  145. Dreamers who never give up

  146. The sounds and smell of the ocean

  147. Fresh healthy smoothies

  148. Good hair days

  149. Uncontrollable laughter

  150. Having a mental health day

  151. The heavy ozone scent right before and after a thunderstorm

  152. Driving and getting nothing but green lights

  153. Cell phones

  154. Spending the night in a fancy hotel

  155. God

  156. Blinkist

  157. A warm cup of coffee

  158. Doing something spontaneous

  159. Getting your most important task completed early

  160. Cheering for your favorite team

  161. Having a picnic with your family

  162. Wearing something that makes your feel confident

  163. Wearing a pair of comfortable shoes

  164. Getting positive feedback from other

  165. Poetry

  166. Having a roof over your head

  167. Doing work that matters

  168. Taking a power nap

  169. Discussing old time times with an old friend

  170. Participating in a hobby you enjoy

  171. Watching a funny Youtube video

  172. Having the ability to read

  173. Having good friends who you can share good times with

  174. Quirky family traditions

  175. Craft beer

  176. Couponing, travel hacking, and other unique ways to drastically save money

  177. The convenience of Amazon shopping

  178. Feeling hope

  179. Feeling inspired (If you don't feel inspired, then here are 23 motivational podcasts that can help)

  180. Laughing so hard it makes you cry

  181. Healthy children

  182. Forgiving others

  183. The perfect playlist (Check out these 35 motivational songs you can add to this list)

  184. The smell of lavender

  185. My Fitbit pedometer

  186. Peace of mind

  187. The successes and accomplishments that you've achieved in your life

  188. Money in the bank

  189. Family vacation

  190. Good health

  191. Time to practice mindfulness

  192. The amazing scale of the universe

  193. Flying a kite

  194. Hearing good news

  195. Lists and organization

  196. Kindle

  197. Refreshing herbal teas

  198. Air conditioning

  199. Hiking trails where you can get out into nature

  200. A sincere apology from someone who hurt you deeply

  201. Honest conversations full of deep questions and getting to know someone better

  202. Showers with strong water pressure

  203. Walking on the beach

  204. Quiet time

  205. Free Wifi

  206. Overcoming anxieties

  207. Journaling (Here are 59 ideas to help you get started)

  208. Farmer's markets and local craft fairs

  209. Books so awesome they keep you up all night reading

  210. Apple pie

  211. Feeling like a kid again

  212. The billions of stars on a clear night sky

  213. Remembering the people you have loved

  214. People sharing your stuff on social media



Worrying Your Way to Sleep
