
Empowerment through Counseling

Seeking counseling takes courage and vulnerability; and it’s a big step toward building the healthiest version of yourself and living a life worth living. Through counseling, it’s possible to work through painful emotions, build healthier relationships, increase self-esteem and resolve destructive behavior patterns.

At Empowered Life Counseling, the counseling experience involves a professionally trained and Licensed Clinical Social Worker and you, a person motivated for change. Counseling can address any emotional, relational, school/work or health concerns you may have. These stressors can occur at any life stage and may feel like problems, opportunities or even a life curse! The work of counseling includes authenticity, connection, goal-setting and reflection - on the part of all parties. While the process may seem daunting at times, the rewards are great.

To learn more about counseling and other mental health treatment options, check out the bottom of this page!

Fred Rogers

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.”

A.A. Milne

You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

Reasons to see a Counselor

  1. You deserve the focus. Friends and family are not the only source of support. Of course we all need outlets and social support. Sometimes, however, the friendship or family relationship can be affected by what’s going on and it helps to talk to a professional. Sometimes it just feels like there’s judgment or you’re only hearing things from someone close. It’s hard being vulnerable when you aren’t sure it’s safe.

  2. You get objective feedback. While family or friends may have a history with you, a counselor can offer a different perspective as well as evidence-based treatment and practices. The counseling process can provide distance from your situation and allow a different focus than you may have ever had before.

  3. Learn something new. Counseling can help you learn new coping skills to deal with stress and might also help you find some things were already working. Counseling gives you the setting to experiment with different options, get feedback about them and identify what works specifically for you.

  4. You deserve your “me” time. By prioritizing yourself and allowing yourself the time to experience counseling, you’re training your brain that you’re worth it and that you matter. It is a part of the self-care that you will be working on within counseling and it helps hold you accountable to some of the things you talk about with your counselor.


How does therapy work?

More resources to learn about counseling, why therapy works and how to find the right therapist.