Dialectical Behavior Therapy at ELC

DBT is an evidence-based model of treatment that uses skills training and the therapy relationship to manage strong emotions, unhelpful thought patterns and behavioral urges. Acceptance and mindfulness practices are incorporated into traditional behavioral approaches to psychotherapy. DBT teaches you:

  1. That your experiences and emotions are real

  2. How to accept who you are, regardless of the challenges or difficulties you face

  • DBT is a specialized outpatient therapy approach requiring a year-long commitment for most clients. Homework is assigned so skills can be applied and strengthened in everyday life, and the diary card is used to track emotions and use of skills on a daily basis. Clients participate in weekly individual therapy; a weekly skills class; and utilize phone coaching to apply skills in-the-moment. The six elements of a comprehensive (fidelity) DBT program are:

    1. individual therapy;

    2. group skills class;

    3. phone coaching as needed;

    4. consultation team for the therapist;

    5. case management; and

    6. ancillary treatments to structure the environment.

  • As a DBT-trained therapist, I will always be infusing DBT skills and practices into sessions. However, the full DBT program is provided in collaboration with my colleague at Still Move Counseling (Still Move Counseling facilitates Zoom skills class). I provide 3-5 sessions of orientation about DBT, then clients sign a treatment contract and a Release of Information to Still Move Counseling. Then I send these documents to them, and the client contacts Still Move Counseling to enroll in class. You will still see me as your individual therapist and participate in skills class virtually through Still Move Counseling. I participate in weekly consultation team with my colleagues.

  • DBT does require an investment of your time and finances. Individual therapy fees are generally covered by insurance and are paid through my practice. Weekly skills class is paid out-of-pocket directly to the skills class provider. You should expect one evening per week for skills class for 90 minutes, as well as one hour per week for individual counseling, as well as time for homework, diary card entry and phone coaching as needed. This will be further discussed in orientation sessions to explore your resource needs and ability to commit to treatment. We do know that DBT reduces long-term mental health costs and is an investment in YOU!


“DBT's catchphrase of developing a life worth living means you're not just surviving; rather, you have good reasons for living.”

-Kiera Van Gelder, The Buddha and The Borderline

  • About DBT

    What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy? from Behavioral Tech, the training organization founded by Marsha Linehan

    How You Can Benefit From DBT and four ways to use it daily

    With Toughness and Caring, a Novel Therapy Helps Tortured Souls from The New York Times, July 2004

    Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight from The New York Times, June 2011 - About DBT founder Marsha Linehan

    DBT Overview from DBT Center of San Diego - distinction from CBT and how to choose a therapist

    Books and publications about DBT provided by the NEA-BPD

  • People who benefit from DBT...

    Feel suicidal sometimes

    Hurt themselves deliberately to change the way that they feel

    Are anxious much of the time

    Have spells of dissociation, forgetfulness, or “spaciness”

    Feel depressed, despite good treatment

    Feel painful and empty

    Feel out of control of their behavior

    Are afraid other don’t or won’t like them

    Have trouble staying sober, despite treatment

    Hear voices in their heads

    Eat and/or Sleep too much or too little

    DBT is effective for anyone experiencing strong emotional extremes and those who live chaotic, painful lives. It helps people establish transformative life skills, challenge rigid thinking patterns by learning to take a dialectical position, and increase awareness of transactional elements of behaviors.

Interested in DBT?

Please reach out to see if DBT would be effective treatment for you! Please be sure to include a brief description of your problem; your availability for appointments; and your insurance/ability to pay.

Stages of DBT


Stage 1


Otherwise known as “Comprehensive DBT,” clients commit to building a life worth living and setting goals during an orientation phase of treatment. Through the elements of DBT treatment (individual counseling, skills class, phone coaching, consultation team, case management, ancillary services), clients target life-threatening behaviors and gain behavioral control. The focus of this stage is commitment, safety and stability.


Stage 2


At this stage, clients are experiencing reduced desperation and hopelessness and are beginning to fully experience emotions. While there may be more behavioral control as a result of Stage One treatment, clients are still experiencing emotional distress and the goal of this stage is symptom reduction. The client and therapist target trauma, mood and other emotional symptoms in a more flexible manner than Stage One.


Stages 3 & 4


After emotions are stabilized, clients are now ready to tackle the problems of everyday life and work to sustain happiness and joy; reach goals; and build meaning and purpose. At this stage, treatment targets include self-esteem, relationships, problem-solving and quality of life.